It happened! Last week all the obstacles that usually conspire to keep me house or bedbound were absent for one glorious afternoon. For the first time in 15 years I had a solo walk, straight out the door in pouring rain and (very slowly) retraced a bit of what used to be my daily walk into the Pentland hills (just barely but it felt mira…
It happened! Last week all the obstacles that usually conspire to keep me house or bedbound were absent for one glorious afternoon. For the first time in 15 years I had a solo walk, straight out the door in pouring rain and (very slowly) retraced a bit of what used to be my daily walk into the Pentland hills (just barely but it felt miraculous and gloriously wet and people free). I reached the bit that your illustration reminded me of, so it felt like you were there too, in the colours and the wildness.
oh wow! That's so incredibly wonderful you managed such a walk! How magical after 15 years (and how hard that it's been so long). And what an honour it feels to have it remind you of my work. That is truly something so special. I'm so pleased you were able to and hope so much that it's possible again xx
It happened! Last week all the obstacles that usually conspire to keep me house or bedbound were absent for one glorious afternoon. For the first time in 15 years I had a solo walk, straight out the door in pouring rain and (very slowly) retraced a bit of what used to be my daily walk into the Pentland hills (just barely but it felt miraculous and gloriously wet and people free). I reached the bit that your illustration reminded me of, so it felt like you were there too, in the colours and the wildness.
oh wow! That's so incredibly wonderful you managed such a walk! How magical after 15 years (and how hard that it's been so long). And what an honour it feels to have it remind you of my work. That is truly something so special. I'm so pleased you were able to and hope so much that it's possible again xx