Such good advice. I'm going to mull this post over. Putting myself into my work makes more sense than 'finding a style'

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ahh so pleased it made sense to you! That's so lovely to know - thank you for telling me! And good luck with your own work!

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This is a really lovely LOGICAL post! Putting yourself into your work is so much more achievable than ‘finding your voice’. With a concept as fluid as finding a voice or finding a style, you kind of start out with a sense of overwhelm. I certainly feel like my approach thus far has been very head-in-the-sand to finding my voice….!

Your work just sings, and I hope you see how magical it is.


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Thank you for such an incredibly generous and encouraging comment! So many thanks! And sending you lots of well wishes in your own work! ❤️

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This was such a lovely piece to read with so much good advice. Thanks for sharing!

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Thanks so very much Laura! It’s truly so lovely to hear you enjoyed it. ❤️

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I love this entire post, makes much more sense for me. The idea of narrowing down a style just baffles me.

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Thank you for your lovely comment! I'm so pleased it resonated with you :)

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I had a dream about putting myself onto a canvas I actually put my right leg on it and sharpened my right hand fingers,reading this was like having my dream interpreted.

Thank you

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wow, what a dream! And thank you for sharing that you enjoyed reading this! Best wishes :)

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Thanks, that was very helpful ! Right now I think I'm going through this moment when I realize that when I draw, if it feels right and natural for me, withour overthinking or judging my work, it just works. And it surprises me !! PS : I absolutely love your Cornwall illustration, and the first one in your letter (the dream room) !

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Hi Claire, and thank you for telling me it was useful! I'm so pleased. It's so strange how obvious some of these things are - e.g. self doubt and judgement are bad for our work - but how hard it is to avoid them and how hard it is to create without these strange burdens! We're so strange sometimes I think. Thanks for the lovely thoughtful comment!

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You're welcome ! And I agree with you. It's strange to realise - and only now in my mid forties ! - that I need so much drawing AND having fun doing it. Just having fun while creating didn't seem obvious in the past for me, and now I'm like 'it's a bit crazy, Claire, what a waste of energy...' Cheers from France !

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haha. Exactly! Such a waste of energy! Best of luck with drawing and fun! x

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Your illustrations are so wonderful!

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ahh you're so lovely! That makes me happy - many many thanks!

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This was such an and interesting and lovely read. I love the idea of finding home in your work, it’s such a good way of describing how it feels.

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Thank you Nanette! It's so wonderful to know you found it interesting and that it resonated! :)

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Love to read your thoughts Anna ❤️ I am definitely not in a place that I can call home but your words resonate so much to what I feel, which I had never been able to put into words🙏 thank you!

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Ahh it's so lovely to hear my words resonated with you Teresa! And I hope wherever you are living can feel a bit like home somehow. I am sometimes totally fine with not really having a more permanent and personal 'home' and then othertimes really wish for one!

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You write so beautifully Anna, I always enjoy your pieces. It is hard not to have your things when you move around a lot. When people asked me how I survived moving so often, I would always say my things are my home, so it doesn’t matter where the walls are.

Style is such a contentious issue and I was so interested in your take on it. I agonised over style until one of my teachers said stop worrying, if you just draw your style will come through, try different ways of working and keep the most comfortable and it will all be a part of your style.

I find the work you do so hard when you are making up the image you are creating entirely. That takes another level of creativity. Just bought a lovely print, so some more of your art will be back in Castlemaine.

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Karen! Thank you so very much. and love that things can make the home even if the walls change. I always bring our teapot and a cup or two and these small things usually help me feel at home! But this is the first time I've ever been into year four in a row living out of a suitcase or two and I am longing for a few more! Totally agree about the 'stop worrying', I think that's all it is really, but it's so hard sometimes to do! And thank you for buying a print - it is delightful to think of it finding it's way back to Castlemaine x

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I so enjoyed reading this and loved hearing your thoughts on putting yourself in your work, Catherine

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Thanks so much Catherine! So pleased you enjoyed the read ❤️

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Hello Catherine, and thank you! I always find it so strange sharing these things so it is so nice of you to let me know you enjoyed reading it. Many thanks!

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I loved reading about your inner world where your art lives, and you finding your home within your art. And the illustrations are so beautiful, taking me to different places... your colours are beyond beautiful, they have the language and power of their own. How do you choose colours, is it very intuitively or do you have a specific process? Would love to read more about it.

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Thank you so much! I'm so pleased you enjoyed reading it - and love the idea of an inner world where my art lives :) That's a beautiful way to put it. I have no process at all about choosing colour - it is entirely intuitive, or what I can reach on my desk or find in my bag (that happens too). I would like to learn to be more purposeful with colour as I think I get quite lazy and just lean into favourites rather than using it with a plan.

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